Commercial & Residential Electricians in Mesa AZ.


Home LED Lighting – Recessed, Outdoor, Landscape Fixtures

Most of us are aware of the energy saving benefits (90%) and long life expectancy (upwards of 50,000 hours) of LED lighting compared to traditional lighting. It is this savings of money that makes them a really good long term investment. There is however one very important consideration that most homeowners overlook when installing LED lighting called surge protection.

Surge protection is a vital safeguard that should be incorporate with all LED lighting. This includes outdoor and LED landscape lighting fixtures. An LED light bulb generates its light through a printed circuit board and semiconductor chips inside the bulb through a process called electroluminescence. These components are very similar to the components inside of your computer and we all know that it is an important safety measure to plug in a power surge protector with a computer.

Protecting all of your indoor and outdoor LED lighting from power surges may seem complicated but in reality it is quite simple with the use of a whole house surge protector. Installed directly at your main circuit breaker box, these devices protect all of your LED home lighting from one central location. They protect everything from LED recessed lighting and low voltage LED landscape lighting to the appliances and electronic devices in your home. This protection is highly effective because it diverts power spikes and surges away from your home through your home’s main grounding wire at your electrical panel.

LED lighting

For more information on protecting your LED home lighting, visit our whole house surge protection page or give our in-office electrician in Mesa AZ a call.

LED home lighting and residential electricity usage

LED Lighting And Saving Money At Home

Did you know that switching out your incandescent light bulbs with LED’s can lower your total monthly electric bills by about 10%? This graph shows how the typical household in Mesa, AZ uses electricity. As you can see, lighting accounts for approximately 11% of the average electric bill. LED lighting uses about 90% less electricity than incandescent lighting so the average household electric bill will be lowered by around 10% with LED lighting installed.

Where Does LED Lighting Make The Most Sense?

Ideally, lighting with LED’s makes sense in all areas of your home because LED’s use less electricity and save you money. Keep in mind however that the greatest and fastest return on your investment will come from the areas in your home that most frequently use lighting. In most households this will be outdoor fixtures like landscape lights.

The information below is from the U.S. Department of Energy. It shows the average lighting usage for select room types in U.S. households. The usage at your home may be more or less and should be taken into consideration.

Savings By Room With LED Lighting

Bathroom lights

Bathroom Lighting:

Daily Hours of Use per Lamp: 1.2 Hours
Daily Energy Consumption: 512 Watt Hrs.
Yearly Energy Consumption: 186 KW Hrs.

*Yearly Savings Potential:

$18.42 with LED’s in Bathrooms
186 Kilowatt Hours x $00.1101 = $20.47
$20.47 x 90% Energy Efficient = $18.42

Bedroom lights

Bedroom Lights:

Daily Hours of Use per Lamp: 1.2 Hours
Daily Energy Consumption: 751 Watt Hrs.
Yearly Energy Consumption: 274 KW Hrs.

*Yearly Savings Potential:

$27.14 with LED’s in Bedrooms
274 Kilowatt Hours x $00.1101 = $30.16
$30.16 x 90% Energy Efficient = $27.14

Kitchen lights

Kitchen LED Lighting Fixtures:

Daily Hours of Use per Lamp: 2.3 Hours
Daily Energy Consumption: 481 Watt Hrs.
Yearly Energy Consumption: 175 KW Hrs.

*Yearly Savings Potential:

$17.33 with LED Kitchen Lighting
175 Kilowatt Hours x $00.1101 = $19.26
$19.26 x 90% Energy Efficient = $17.33

Living room lights

Living Room Fixtures:

Daily Hours of Use per Lamp: 1.7 Hours
Daily Energy Consumption: 472 Watt Hrs.
Yearly Energy Consumption: 172 KW Hrs.

*Yearly Savings Potential:

$17.03 with LED’s in living room
172 Kilowatt Hours x $00.1101 = $18.93
$18.93 x 90% Energy Efficient = $17.03

Outdoor LED landscape lighting

Outdoor, Landscape and Exterior:

Daily Hours of Use per Lamp: 2.9 Hours
Daily Energy Consumption: 1610 Watt Hrs.
Yearly Energy Consumption: 587 KW Hrs.

*Yearly Savings Potential:

$58.15 with LED Outdoor Lighting
587 Kilowatt Hours x $00.1101 = $64.62
$64.62 x 90% Energy Efficient = $58.15

Yearly potential savings is calculated using an electricity cost of 11.01 cents per kilowatt hour and switching from incandescent lighting to LED lighting with a 90% efficiency. Your savings may be more or less depending on your usage and the efficiency of the LED’s you purchase. The cost to purchase the LED’s for more energy efficient lighting is not figured into these calculations due to the wide range of pricing from one manufacture to another.

Dolce Electric Company schedules an electrician Mesa AZ homeowners can consult with free of charge Monday thru Friday, during normal business hours. He will answer all of your questions about LED lighting and provide you with the professional solutions that you are looking for. Give our local Mesa electricians a call; you will be happy you did!