Commercial & Residential Electricians in Mesa AZ.
Commercial & Residential Electricians in Mesa AZ.
Basic electrical questions and answers is a free service provided by our local in-office electricians in Mesa, Arizona. Dolce Electric Co schedules a local electrician Mesa AZ homeowners can consult with free of charge for help online or over the telephone. Voted best electricians Mesa AZ, our experts will answer all of your questions and provide you with the electrical assistance that you’re looking for. Free electrical support is available Monday thru Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Call our in-office electrician in Mesa AZ today; he might be able to save you some time and money!
Free Electrical Help is Just a Phone Call Away
Did you know that many of the most common electrical issues can be corrected without dispatching a residential electrician for troubleshooting electrical problems in your home? In fact, about 25 % of all residential electrical service calls could be avoided with a little free over the phone assistance from our local Mesa electricians.
Our experts will ask you a few easy to answer questions to get an idea of what has happened and ask you to try a few safe but important basic troubleshooting techniques that might resolve the issue. If our free over the phone assistance is able to resolve the problem, we are happy we could correct the issue with you and look forward to assisting you in the future with your electrical needs.
If the issue cannot be resolved with our free over the phone electrical support we will have all of the necessary information about the problem you are experiencing and we will have already attempted several fundamental troubleshooting techniques. This will save you time and money if our Mesa AZ electricians need to be scheduled for on-site troubleshooting or repairs.
Your power, wiring, repair, installation and troubleshooting questions are all welcome during normal business hours and will be answered by our in-office electrician in Mesa. We invite you to review our electrical tips section too. It contains specific, and in many cases, simple solutions to many of the most common electrical problems in households.
Free over the phone assistance is available Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Dolce Electric Co also provides emergency electricians in Mesa for after hours electrical repairs, like main circuit breaker replacements and power restorations. Call to inquire about our competitive rates.
All work is guaranteed parts and labor for life and free estimates are available. Don’t forget to print a coupon for a free home electrical safety inspection, which is redeemable at the time of your regularly scheduled service.
Dolce Electric Co
625 W Southern Ave E239,
Mesa, AZ
Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Sat – Sun: 8:00AM to 3:00PM