Commercial & Residential Electricians in Mesa AZ.
Commercial & Residential Electricians in Mesa AZ.
Voted best electrician Mesa AZ, our in-office lighting electrician has over 30 years of professional experience with all kinds of lighting and fixture installations. He is an expert with both interior and exterior lighting and fixtures. He will answer all of your questions and offer you some professional tips about commercial or home lighting that you may not be aware of.
Our Mesa AZ electricians have been lighting Mesa homes and businesses since 1999 and are available for you to consult with free of charge Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM.
Lighting improvements add value, functionality and beauty to your home. There are numerous types of fixtures available today for you to upgrade your home or office with and each one has its own unique characteristics. Making yourself aware of all the different kinds of fixtures available for installation and knowing which fixtures work best to satisfy your needs may be helpful.
Cove Lighting
Fluorescent Lighting
Landscape Fixtures
Low Voltage Fixtures
Motion Lights
Recessed Lighting
Track Lighting
Under Cabinet
If you would like to learn more about any of the above mentioned types of fixture installation services or want more lighting ideas, just give our electricians in Mesa AZ a call.
You might decide to use 2 or more lighting methods, also known as layering, to blend together an atmosphere of both beauty and functionality. In this image the homeowners have decided to use 4 methods in their kitchen:
Each installation is unique; there is no correct number of lighting methods to mix. It’s a matter of personal taste and knowing what type of fixture installation works best where. The pendants above the island could have easily been one large chandelier. Another person might have used neither and went with a complete recessed light installation to keep the kitchen open and unobstructed.
In this dining room, the homeowners went with a large chandelier installation for general lighting and wall sconces to accent their mirror. These sconces shine upwards and work well but another option could have been using wall sconces that shine in both directions, up and down, for a different affect and more brilliance. Had they used a painting in place of the mirror, a recessed can installation with focusing trims or a track light installation may have been selected to accent the painting. These are personal choices that only you can make to bring forth your homes beauty.
Dimmer switches were used in conjunction with all of these lighting methods. Dimmers give you the ability to adjust brightness and save energy.
A well designed installation allows you to go from functional to fashionable with a simple flip of a switch.
Each area of your home has different uses and many have multiple uses. This will call for different amounts of light and different types of lighting. Identifying your needs for each area is the first step in selecting the fixtures that will best suite the room or area. Below are some recommendations for levels of illumination in each room of your home.
To determine how much light is needed for a given space you will need to be familiar with 2 different measurements of light.
Foot-Candle: Contrary to popular beliefe, foot-candles are the most commonly used units of measured light world wide. The term dates back to a time when candles were the only source of illumination. Foot-candles do not measure the amount of light being produced. A foot-candle is defined as the amount light that reaches one square foot of a given surface area when a single candle is one foot away.
Lumens: A measurement of how much light a given source puts out. A greater amount of lumen output means that the lamp, or source, will be brighter and fewer lumens means that it will be dimmer.
To calculate the recommended amount of illumination for your installation, you will need to first figure the square footage of the space (Length X Width = Square Feet). Using the chart below, multiply the square footage by the recommended foot-candles per area. This is how many lumens it will take to adequately illuminate the space.
Bathrooms – 75 FC
Bedrooms – 15 FC
Closets, Standard – 10FC
Closets, Walk In – 20 FC
Dining Rooms – 35 FC
Garages – 90 FC
Hallways – 10 FC
Home Office – 75 FC
Kitchen, General Area – 35 FC
Kitchen Sink – 75 FC
Kitchen Stove – 75 FC
Living Rooms – 15 FC
*FC = foot-candle
Contact our local Mesa electricians is you need help figuring the right amount of light for your fixture installation.
A dining room with a standard 8 foot ceiling that measures 10 feet by 10 feet would require approximately 3500 lumens to illuminate the area sufficently. (10 feet X 10 feet = 100 square feet) (100 square feet X 35 foot-candles = 3500 lumens)
Other Considerations When Calculating Light Levels
The height of the ceiling:
If you have taller ceilings it will take more lumens to illuminate the floor and living space below. A good rule of thumb is to add 5% more lumens for every foot of ceiling height above 8 feet. Taller ceilings, when using recessed fixtures, will also require a more concentrated beam spread. An 8 foot ceiling will typically use 6 inch fixtures with a 60 degree beam spread. Ceiling that are more than 9 feet tall should concentrate the beam spread to less than 50 degrees.
The color of your walls and furnishings:
Lighter colors reflect light and darker colors absorb it. If your decorating theme is a darker style, consider adding another 5% more lumens to illuminate the space.
Dolce Electric Co has scheduled electricians Mesa AZ homeowners and businesses can consult with free of charge from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. They will be happy to assist you in deciding what types of fixtures work best to accomplish your goals. They will answer all of your questions about interior and exterior fixture installations and if you’re interested, schedule an appointment to walk the job with you and provide you with a written bid for services.
Our electricians in Mesa have been installing lighting in homes and businesses since 1999. All installations come with our lifetime parts and labor guarantee and don’t forget to ask for a free electrical safety inspection.
Dolce Electric Co
625 W Southern Ave E239,
Mesa, AZ
Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Sat – Sun: 8:00AM to 3:00PM